Subject: Francoise's Feature October 14, 2015
Greetings to all our members.
Our meeting of October 13, 2015 was well attended by our members – current and new – as well as two Sturgeon Protective Services members and an RCMP member.
Sturgeon Protective Services advised us that the traffic issues around Redwater during the construction of the upgraders will be ongoing during construction. You can get the latest information here.
Cst. Green, who is a new member at the Morinville RCMP Detachment, is working on a community project. He approached SRCW to see if we would be interested in partnering with the RCMP and Canada Post. Cst. Green spoke with Canada Post in Gibbons and all three of us partnered on his project.
There is a high level of mail fraud and identity theft in all areas and Cst. Green designed a postcard with the RCMP logo and ours. On the back is the information that everyone should be aware of. They will be delivered to Gibbons first and if we receive permission we will be sending postcards to all our members and hopefully, we will also send them to all residents in the county.
In September we were advised that three of our 24 x 24 inch aluminum Rural Crime Watch signs had been stolen from the Fairhaven and Silver Chief Estates areas. Plastic signs were stolen from private property as well. The thefts were reported to the RCMP. One of our members will re-install the signs and hopefully this will be the only incident. If anyone notices signs missing please advise the RCMP and contact us as well so the signs can be replaced.
In October we had the opportunity to attend two presentations that were made available through the Sturgeon County. One was the Social Media Marketing and the other was the Stakeholders Input meeting. We had a number of members who attended. Our thanks to Sturgeon County for assisting with the funding.
The Zone 5 meeting is on October 24, 2015 in Smoky Lake; if any of our board members are interested in attending please contact me soon.
The November 10, 2015 meeting will be held at the Rendez-Vous Centre in Morinville at 7 p.m. Please use the south entrance.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at:
Thank you
Francoise Meunier
This message is made possible by the Sturgeon Rural Crime Watch Association in partnership with the Morinville RCMP.
If you have any information in respect to this incident or know of any crime or criminal activity, please call the Morinville RCMP at 780-939-4550 or Toll Free at 780-459-7689. PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL. IF YOU HAVE AN EMERGENCY, PLEASE CALL 9-1-1.
Please visit the Sturgeon Rural Crime Watch Association's Website at ; for more information.