May 11, 2016
Greetings everyone,
On a beautiful sunny day, we should all be very thankful for being safe and having our families and homes intact. Our thoughts go out to all the evacuees of Ft McMurray – I cannot even fathom what they have gone through and what they will continue to go through for some time. The fear those poor people must have felt. Please do whatever you can to help.
Thank you to the members who worked at our booth at the Trade Show in Morinville. We were able to touch base with members and recruited a few more. The three winners of the draws were very pleased with their winnings.
At our meeting in April, Forest Tillapaugh was appointed interim Zone Director for Zone 12 – the Town of Legal. Rick deChamplain, a Past President stepped forward to be a Zone Director for the Town of Legal as well. Rick was appointed at the May 10th meeting. Our goal is to have two Zone Directors in each zone.
On Thursday May 5, 2016, Dan our Communications Director and Zone 9 Director resigned his positions effective May 10, 2016. Dan replaced Harold and continued and expanded on the work Harold had done. It is a credit to both that our membership records are current and well organized. We thank you Dan and we appreciate all the time and effort you gave to both positions.
We have found a temporary replacement for the position of Communications Director. As it always seems to happen, when we need help someone steps up to the plate. Again, we have received a little “help from a friend” as we have found a very knowledgeable person to help us out. The Sturgeon Rural Crime Watch Association telephone will be cancelled for the time being but we are looking into a system whereby all our members will be included. Please be patient with us – it is quite a learning curve but we will make the transition as smooth as possible.
Both positions are now open and we are actively looking to fill them. If anyone is interested please contact me at The responsibilities of the Communications Committee Chairman are as follows: Appointed by the Board, the Communications Committee is responsible for the timely reporting to Association members of local criminal activity as submitted by the RCMP. Information regarding activities such as meetings of the Association are also transmitted as required.
Please contact me with any questions or comments at
Thank you,
Francoise Meunier